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Afternoon programme

Afternoon programme

Enjoying the outside in the afternoon programme is such a blast. Getting to explore the outdoors and trying new activities with classmates is always a great way to unwind and have some fun after a day of studying.
IB Consultancy visit

IB Consultancy visit

We are excited to share that our IB consultancy visit was a resounding success, and we’re now moving forward with the authorization process to become a full member of the IB World School!

Uspeh Matijasa in Neli v karateju

V nedeljo, 24. 03. 2024, je v Hočah potekalo Regijsko pokalno tekmovanje – 3. krog. Učenka 9. a razreda, Neli Mršić, je v kategoriji kata – kadetinje osvojila 1. mesto. 1. mesto je v borbah osvojil tudi Matijas Maguša, prav tako učenec 9. a razreda....