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Uspeh naših učencev v karateju

V soboto je v Lenartu potekalo Regijsko pokalno tekmovanje v karateju. Naši  karateisti so dosegli odlične rezultate💪🥇🥈🥉 Matic Štaher 1. mesto v kategoriji U14 KUMITE ML. KADETI -50 KG Tai Mohorko 2. mesto v kategoriji U14 KUMITE ML. KADETI +50 KG Lovro...


Future entrepreneurs in the making! Looks like our students are putting in some serious hustle for the upcoming school fair. Hard work pays off.
ENO projects

ENO projects

As part of this project, our students recently participated in a fun activity where they made lanterns using sustainable materials. It encouraged the students to think about the impact of their actions on the environment. By using sustainable materials and techniques,...