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…a fun opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge gained through in-depth inquiries, applying their understanding of transdisciplinary skills, and demonstrating their commitment to the PYP learner profile attributes.
Portfolio Night

Portfolio Night

What an incredible Portfolio Night at Leon Štukelj International School! From music performances to captivating presentations and even acting, our PYP students truly shone yesterday.
Celebrating Earth Day 

Celebrating Earth Day 

We’re not just learning about the environment, we’re taking action to protect it! From planting trees to recycling projects, our students are stepping up to make a difference for our planet. Every small effort counts towards a greener, healthier future....

Finale državnega tekmovanja v streljanju

V četrtek, 4. 4. 2024, je v Ljubljani potekalo Finale državnega tekmovanja v streljanju z zračnim orožjem za osnovne šole. Učenka Olha Rak iz 9.B razreda se je na tekmovanje uvrstila s tretjim rezultatom, nato pa po odličnem streljanju premagala konkurenco in osvojila...